Buddha Was a Husband, Father,

Sameen Shakya

And a son. We know he loved his mother.

Mourned her in the myths where he caused her death.

Cherished her in the ones where she didn’t die.

Heard her when she called out Siddhartha, Siddhartha,

come sit next to me and listen to my voice. Siddhartha,

love is everything. You must love. You must love.

Ever the mama’s boy, Buddha did love. In fact,

love too much. He saw the beggars’ cracked skin, and

within saw his own soul breaking. He saw the orphan’s cold smile, and

within saw he could not, knowing there was nothing to do.

Oh, what could he do?

Do you think, that last night when he snuck out

from his wife’s embrace, he looked at his child

one final time, and heard his mother’s voice say:

Love is everything. You must love.

and shed a tear? Or did he keep a brave face

for his mother? Or really, for himself?

Sameen Shakya’s writings have been published in Alternate Route, Cosmic Daffodil, Hearth and Coffin, Roi Faineant and Thin Veil Press, to name a few. Born and raised in Kathmandu, Nepal, he moved to the USA in 2015 to pursue writing. He earned an Undergraduate Degree in Creative Writing from St Cloud State University and traveled the country for a couple of years to gain a more informal education. He returned to Kathmandu in 2022 and is currently based there.


To the Porter Sisters, Amrita Pritam, and other Women they did not teach for my Literature Degree


august, nineteen-forty-seven