The Greyhound Journal is open for submissions to FEATURED year-round. We accept poetry, fiction, and non-fiction, and we consider all submissions at the end of the month.
We are interested in Mandarin and English work with vivid historical setting. Featured publications are not themed. We admire writing exhibiting strong visual imagery and thorough historical knowledge.
Some of our favorite contributions have been from Isra Hassan, Zack Rogow, Leen Raats, Bolin Cao, Ehsan Ahmed, and Claudia Wysocky.

All work must be combined in one Word document.
We invite authors of both prose and poetry to submit, however, we exclude nonfiction pieces due to a commitment to publishing historical fiction. Authors may submit work for both prose and poetry. There is no limit for the number of pieces an individual author can submit. There is no hard word limit.
We accept previously published work, but the work should cite where it was previously published. We ask authors to notify us immediately if work is no longer available for publication.
Upon acceptance, we reserve first one-time serial and electronic rights (we accept previously published work and thus do not necessitate FNASR). All rights revert back to the author following publication.

Our second issue, VOL. II: TOKYO, is in print. Our FEATURED Collection is digital.
As many times as you like, and as many pieces! For each reading period, authors are welcome to submit again after an editorial decision has been made on their previous piece.
We do not have a word limit. If we determine that the space we have is unable to accommodate your piece, we will contact you further with a request for excerpt.
We prefer that pieces be primarily Mandarin or English, but other languages may be involved and referenced within pieces.
At this time, the only way we compensate our contributors is by mailing a print copy of our issues when we print.
Informally, we will try our best to accommodate any requests from our contributors. If you would like an expedited response or some editorial feedback, please indicate this in your cover letter.